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Information about "Confluence" service as a documentation and collaboration tool. This service is available to KTH employees.


Confluence (  is a documentation and collaboration tool based on Wiki technology.
The system is well suited for keeping internal documentation about work processes and routines, etc.
Confluence also includes a flexible drawing tool (Gliffy) to simplify documentation.


Target group

The service is aimed at groups within KTH's schools or University Administration who are in need of a documentation/collaboration tool.
The service cannot be used or ordered by students.


This service provides access to a dedicated private area (Space) where documentation can be kept.
This space is administered by an administrator appointed by the client, who manages the space functions and who will have access to it.
Information on how to use Confluence is available online.


All users of the system must have KTH accounts.

For the time being, Confluence can only be accessed via KTH's network if you are at KTH, or via VPN if you are outside KTH.


The service does not include user support regarding how Confluence can be used or adaptation of Confluence for other purposes. It is not possible to add new Plugin or Macro functionality to the service.
Although files can be uploaded in Confluence, the service should not be used for storing large files. For this, reference is made to OneDrive or a similar solution.

Related services

KTH OneDrive for shared file storage.


The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In the event of any errors, these are handled according to KTH's standard SLA .

Service window

As the system often contains information about system documentation and similar, the service window for this system is separate from the normal service window.
Service window for Confluence is on Tuesdays at 16:00 - 18:00 (this will not happen every Tuesday, but when needed).


Per user in the system

400 kr / year
Set of new space 3000 kr

The school is charged once a year for the largest number (peak) of concurrently active users during a year.

Support and order

KTH IT-Support

Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 - 16:30

Phone: +468 - 790 6600


Visiting address: Drottning Kristinas väg 4