Scrapping and disposal
About the service "Scrapping and disposal of IT equipment"
The service refers to the possibility for KTH's schools to get help with handling and logistics when scrapping and selling personal IT equipment.
Regulatory document
Common university routine for disposing of IT equipment, AV equipment and mobile phones prone to theft (in Swedish).
The service can be designed in two different ways:
- The IT department handles case management for scrapped IT equipment.
- The school handles case management of scrapped IT equipment (with initial help from the IT department).
IT department handles case management for scrapped IT equipment
- IT takes care of setting up the case management system
- IT is responsible for case management
- IT is responsible for handing over and physical handling of scrapped equipment
- IT manages the communication with the facility economist
- IT handles contact with recycling companies
- The school provides suitable room(s) for intermediate storage of the IT equipment
- The school appoints a school contact person for the position.
School handles case management of scrapped IT equipment
- IT takes care of setting up the case management system
- IT provides introduction and guidance in case management systems
- The school uses its own resource (administrator) for ongoing work according to the routine description
- The school handles contact with recycling companies
- The school provides suitable room(s) for intermediate storage of the IT equipment
- The school appoints a school contact person for the position.
Documented procedure
Avyttring-skrotning - KTH gemensam process (in Swedish) (pdf 52 kB)
Tailored together with the customer depending on the extent and the customer's IT environment, etc.
Support and Ordering
Support and ordering are handled via KTH IT support, , 08-790 6600 or through the Portal for IT matters (only applies to employees at VS and ABE at the moment).
Contact persons for the service at the IT department:
Kent Karlsson , 08-790 6687
Zlatko Mitrovic , 08-790 6788