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Purchase a Ministudio for videorecording

During the past year, the demand for digital production in education has increased. The interest is predicted to remain and, as a result, KTH IT has developed a solution for ordering and installing Ministudio. KTH schools are presented with the opportunity to purchase, place and use a mini studio in a small conference- or meeting room. Information about our solution you will find on this page

A complete bundle – for video recording and editing

With basic orientation and guidance, educators will be able to use the studio room on their own to record, produce and edit educational material and resources. The result can be uploaded to Canvas or KTH Play and after that introduced to students.

Investing in quality products reduces the future demand for supervision and guidance. Using fewer components reduces future risk of receiving tech support tickets. When ordering products, IT-Support will balance price and quality for optimal results.

Components and pricing

The Ministudio includes the following components:

  • Computer
  • Camera
  • Lightning
  • Microphone
  • Monitor
  • Miscellaneous equipment (ex. tripod stand, cables etc.)
  • License (software)

A fixed cost and a variable cost will be financed by the individual school placing the order.

Fixed cost

The purchase price will approximately be 40 000 SEK and is based on current market pricing. Component models might eventually be updated when new products are released.

Variable cost

The following products will have a periodical cost.

  • KTH-Windows Licens: 600/month
  • Camtasia software: 600kr/year

Expected delivery time

The delivery time might vary. Please contact IT-Support if you have additional questions.


As a prerequisite, an empty room is required, where recording will be unimpeded. An adjustable table is recommended.

To order Ministudio

  1. The school will place an order by sending an e-mail to
  2. The order should contain the following information:
    - Customer (name, e-mail adress and phone number
    - Cost centre
    - Invoice reference
  3. After these steps, IT-Support will place an order
  4. Upon delivery, IT-Support will unpack, prepare and install the Ministudio at the chosen location
  5. When the ministudio is functional and ready for use, IT-Support will provide a user guide.


Contact KTH IT-Support